Queen of Peace Healthcare

About Us

About Our Company

We serve you with dignity, respect and compassion

Queen of Peace Healthcare is founded on the backdrop of John 10:10 (...That they may have life). Queen of Peace HealthCare is a Home Health Care Services dedicated to providing Compassionate, Personalized care in the comfort of your home. We prioritize your wellbeing, respect your individual needs, and maintain your dignity and confidentiality. Our highly experienced team of healthcare professionals is committed to delivering high quality care, companionship and medical services in a holistic approach to your health, allowing you to maintain independence and live life to the fullest.

Our long-standing years of intensive service to humanity in healthcare have stamped us with the experience that has helped us to learn and implement the best practices to care for both our staff and those we assist. This has also given us the stamina to not disappoint you in any domain within our services.

Our employees are some of the bravest nurses and support staff in the industry. They fearlessly come to work despite inclement weather conditions or if illness befalls our community. They are truly heroes. We value our employees for the meaningful impact they make on the lives of our clients. We give our employees love, wrinkled smiles, hearty laughter and warm hugs so that they can share these to our clients in return since we believe in the saying that “You cannot give what you don’t have”. Because of this we create loving homes that nurture and delight our clients thereby bringing peace of mind to their families. Our success and strong culture are credited to the dedicated and loving employees who work tirelessly in our communities. We have 99% of staff retention rate. We pride ourselves in understanding all of our clients’ cognitive states and special needs.

We serve you with dignity & compassion


Our vision is envisions maintaining the highest standard of care while making home the best place to live. We provide the following home healthcare programs at flexible schedules and cost-friendly service rates.

One of the leading causes for seniors to end up returning to the hospital after a stay, is improper support after returning home.
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If your parent or loved one is no longer capable of taking care of themselves, daily care may be the perfect way to give them the home.
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Certain diseases require specialized care in order to be handled in a safe and comfortable manner. In the case of the diseases, such as..
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